Results for 'C. J. Jung'

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  1.  10
    The Spirit of Man in Art and Literature.C. J. Jung - 1984 - Routledge.
    There are different ways of looking at the achievements of outstanding personalities. In reading this book, the reader will be in touch with some of Jung's best insights into artistic and literary creation. The essays are on Paracelsus, Freud, Richard Wilhelm, Picasso, and Joyce's _Ulysses_. There are also two chapters on poetry and literature.
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    Characteristics of microstructure and electrical resistivity of inkjet-printed nanoparticle silver films annealed under ambient air.J. -K. Jung, S. -H. Choi, I. Kim, H. C. Jung, J. Joung & Y. -C. Joo - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (3):339-359.
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    Comparative Analysis of Food Related Sustainable Development Goals in the North Asia Pacific Region.Charles V. Trappey, Amy J. C. Trappey, Hsin-Jung Lin & Ai-Che Chang - 2023 - Food Ethics 8 (2):1-24.
    Member States of the United Nations proposed Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, emphasizing the well-being of people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership. Countries are expected to work diligently to achieve these goals by the year 2030. The paths chosen to achieve the SDGs depend on each country’s specific needs, challenges, and opportunities. This contribution conducts a bibliometric study of selected SDG research related to hunger and climate change among countries of the North Asia Pacific region. A review of (...)
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    Philosophische strömungen in der modernen medizin.Von G. Bally, G. Bally, H. Ey, C. G. Jung, A. Mitscherlich, P.‐H. Rossier, J. Ruesch & W. Voneizsaucker - 1951 - Dialectica 5 (1):84-96.
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  5. 370 Carolyn Gratton.Peter L. Berger, Thomas Luckman, Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Bruno Bettelheim, Robert J. Blakely, Gerhardt von Bonin, Neville Braybooke, C. G. Jung, William W. Buckman & Stanley Lehrer - 1969 - Humanitas 5 (3):369.
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    Man and the land: The psychological theory of C. J. Jung.Lawrence N. Gelb - 1974 - Zygon 9 (4):288-299.
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    A Heideggerian Critique of C.G. Jung's Concept of Self.Michael J. Langlais - 2005 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    This work is a study of the implicit physical commitments of certain aspects of C.G. Jung's analytical psychology. The critique is carried out according to the hermeneutic approach taken by Martin Heidegger to the metaphysical problem in the Western philosophical tradition.
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    C. G. Jung; Erich Neumann. Analytical Psychology in Exile: The Correspondence of C. G. Jung and Erich Neumann. Edited and introduced by Martin Liebscher. Translated by Heather McCartney. lxi + 424 pp., figs., apps., bibl., index. Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2015. £24.95. [REVIEW]Paul Bishop - 2017 - Isis 108 (2):477-479.
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    Complex, Archetype, Symbol in the Psychology of C. G. Jung.J. D. Uytman & Jolande Jacobi - 1962 - Philosophical Quarterly 12 (47):192.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    From Metapsychologie to Realpsychologie: archetypal imagery in the psychologies of C.G. Jung and J. Hillman.Krzysztof Czapkowski & Andrzej Pankalla - 2023 - Analiza I Egzystencja 62:43-64.
    Choć teorie C.G. Junga i J. Hillmana były już dogłębnie analizowane w licznych tekstach, prezentowany artykuł ma na celu wprowadzenie nowego spojrzenia na genealogię ich koncepcji. Śledząc historię pojęć obrazu psychicznego oraz archetypu, tekst rekonstruuje ewolucję ich myśli na kanwie dwóch jakościowych podejść psychologii: freudowskiej Metapsychologii (pierwotnie rozumianej jako psychoanalityczną naukę skoncentrowaną na zastąpieniu metafizyki) oraz diltheyowskiej Psychologii Realnej (deskryptywnej psychologii badającej aktywność duszy). Prezentowane studium skupia się na okresie 1912-1979 rozciągającym się od ustanowienia integralnej szkoły jungowskiej do ustanowienia przez (...)
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  11. Selbstverwirklichung. Eine Konfrontation der Psychologie C. G. Jungs mit der Ethik.F. J. KAUNE - 1967
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    Mechanisms of Self-Deception and True Awareness According to C. G. Jung and the Eight- Thousand-Line Perfection of Wisdom Sutra.Frederick J. Streng - 1989 - In Richard Rorty (ed.), Review of I nterpreting Across Boundaries: New Essays in Comparative Philosophy. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 152-164.
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    Contribuições da pesquisa sobre percepção extrassensorial de J. B. Rhine para o conceito de sincronicidade de C. G. Jung[REVIEW]Pedro Henrique Costa de Resende & Alexander Moreira-Almeida - 2023 - Horizonte 20 (63):206205-206205.
    O pesquisador americano Joseph Banks Rhine (1895 – 1980) e o psiquiatra suíço Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961) foram contemporâneos, o interesse mútuo de pesquisa levou os dois autores a estabeleceram uma troca de correspondências a partir de 1934, que duraria as duas décadas seguintes. A partir desse diálogo importantes repercussões teóricas ocorreram no trabalho dos dois autores, especialmente, em relação a Jung. Em nossa metodologia analisamos as obras de Rhine e de Jung, com destaque para (...)
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  14. Jung Watts : notes on C.G. Jung's formative influence on Alan Watts.Ellen F. Franklin & Peter J. Columbus - 2021 - In Peter J. Columbus (ed.), The Relevance of Alan Watts in Contemporary Culture: Understanding Contributions and Controversies. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    J.-P. Sartre versus C.G. Jung: Beiträge der Philosophie zur Neuformulierung der Jungschen Tiefenspyschologie.Martin Bürgy - 1996 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
  16.  35
    Beim sternenlicht der nichtexistierenden.J. C. Nyíri - 1974 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 17 (1-4):399-443.
    Der Aufsatz schildert den platonisierenden Antipsychologismus welchen Bolzano, der junge Brentano, Twardowski, Meinong, der Husserl der Logischen Untersuchungen, Frege, der Russell der Jahrhundertwende und der junge Wittgenstein philosophisch vertraten, und versucht eine soziologische und ideologiekritische Interpretation sowohl dieser Einstellung als auch derjenigen des traditionellen Psychologismus des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Der Platonismus des neunzehnten und zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts wird als ein Ausdruck fiir ? oder vielmehr als eine Reaktion gegen ? den Verfall der klassischen burgerlichen Werte aufgefaBt. In Wittgensteins Tractatus spielen Elemente sowohl (...)
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  17. Beim sternenlicht der nichtexistierenden.J. C. Ny - 1974 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 17 (1-4):399 – 443.
    Der Aufsatz schildert den platonisierenden Antipsychologismus welchen Bolzano, der junge Brentano, Twardowski, Meinong, der Husserl der Logischen Untersuchungen, Frege, der Russell der Jahrhundertwende und der junge Wittgenstein philosophisch vertraten, und versucht eine soziologische und ideologiekritische Interpretation sowohl dieser Einstellung als auch derjenigen des traditionellen Psychologismus des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Der Platonismus des neunzehnten und zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts wird als ein Ausdruck fiir - oder vielmehr als eine Reaktion gegen - den Verfall der klassischen burgerlichen Werte aufgefaBt. In Wittgensteins Tractatus spielen Elemente sowohl (...)
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  18. Jung, J., Karl Vogts Weltanschauung. [REVIEW]C. Gutberlet - 1916 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 29:102-105.
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  19. Perspektivy filosofické a hlubinné hermeneutiky (h.-g. Gadamer, cg Jung, J. derrida).C. G. Gadamer - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (8):596.
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  20. JUNG, C. G. -Psychological Types. [REVIEW]J. L. M. J. L. M. - 1923 - Mind 32:493.
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    Logica Hamburgensis. [REVIEW]J. C. J. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (1):146-146.
    A critical text and German translation of the Hamburg Logic of Joachim Jung, who was esteemed by Leibniz as a mathematician, botanist, and methodologist. The complete works of Jung are being published.--J. J. C.
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  22. JUNG, C. G. - Contributions to Analytical Psychology. [REVIEW]W. J. H. Sprott - 1929 - Mind 38:371.
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  23.  11
    Jung and Christianity in Dialogue: Faith, Feminism, and Hermeneutics.Robert L. Moore & Daniel J. Meckel - 1990
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    Wolfgang Pauli und C. G. Jung: Ein Briefwechsel 1932–1958.Wolfgang Pauli, C. A. Meier, C. G. Jung & M. Fierz - 1992 - Springer.
    Der hier erstmals ver]ffentlichte Briefwechsel zwischen dem Psychiater C.G. Jung und dem Nobelpreistr{ger der Physik Wolfgang Pauli ist ein geistesgeschichtliches Dokument ersten Ranges. Ein privates Schicksal hat sie zusammengef}hrt, und daraus ist ein vorwissenschaftlicher Dialog erwachsen, in dem versucht wird, naturwissenschaftliches und psychologischesDenken zu vereinheitlichen. Die Briefe verdeutlichen, da~ es weder f}r den Psychologen zul{ssig ist, die methodischen Einsichten der Physik, noch f}r den Physiker, die Erfahrungen im Umgang mit dem Psychischenzu vernachl{ssigen.
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  25. Freud, Jung, Lacan: Sobre o inconsciente.Luís M. Augusto - 2013 - Universidade do Porto.
    Introduction - From the Illiad to the Studies on Hysteria: A chronology of the discovery of the unconscious mind - Freud's theories of the unconscious mind - Jung's collective unconscious - Lacan's linguistic paradigm.
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    C. A. Meier . Atom and Archetype: The Pauli/Jung Letters, 1932–1958. lx + 312 pp., illus., bibl., index. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2001. $29.95. [REVIEW]Peter Pesic - 2005 - Isis 96 (1):148-149.
  27.  40
    The meaning of structure in the theory of the unconscious by J. Lacan, Z. Freud and C. Jung.Liliyа Borisovnа Vаryginа - 2022 - Kant 42 (2):114-118.
    The article examines the unconscious uncontrolled side of the human psyche, analyzes approaches to determining the structure of the unconscious, its constituent elements and their relationships from the point of view of the concepts of prominent psychoanalysts Z. Freud, C. Jung and J. Lacan. The significance of the "mirror stage" described by Lacan is revealed. in the understanding of human self-consciousness. Particular attention is paid to Lacan's thesis that the unconscious is, first of all, language; and it is he (...)
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  28.  29
    La escuela de Carl G. Jung.Andrés Ortiz Osés - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (14):101-105.
    In this article the school of C.G. Jung is presented as a movement that, following the Swiss psychologist, tries to coimply inconscious and conscious in a symbolic language of senses. As a representative of the Jung School the psycology of Erich Neumann is offered, belonging to the Eranos Circ..
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  29. The prospectives of the philosophical and depth hermeneutics.J. Hroch - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (8):596-612.
    The article shows, that the hermeneutical conceptions of H.-G. Gadamer, C. G. Jung and J. Derrida share the dialectic, imaginative and projecting conception of human experience. In this context Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics and Jung’s hermeneutically oriented analytical psychology emphasize the great importance of tradition, as well as of the mythical thought, and investigate the sense of human life which cannot be resolved by exact sciences, but can only be expe-rienced. The author argues that the hermeneutical theories of Gadamer, (...)
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  30. The continuous flame.Harry J. Cargas - 1969 - St. Louis, Mo.,: B. Herder.
    Introduction, by H. J. Cargas.--St. Paul and Teilhard de Chardin, by J. H. Adams.--Teilhard and Dante, by M. Gable.--Tennyson and Teilhard, by E. R. August.--Teilhard, neo-Marxism, existentialism, by M. Barthelemy-Madaule.--Whitman, Teilhard, and Jung, by R. Benoit.--C. G. Jung and Teilhard de Chardin, by N. Braybrooke.--Camus and Teilhard, by P. Rosazza.--Bonhoeffer and Teilhard, by C. M. Hegarty.--Voices of convergence: Teilhard, McLuhan, and Brown, by D. J. Leary.
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    The Idea of Love. [REVIEW]M. R. C. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (2):378-379.
    Though the philosopher will undoubtedly find this study too elementary for many of his purposes, the student of literature and the generally interested reader will be delighted by this rich source of reference material. Published under the general editorship of Mortimer J. Adler by the Institute for Philosophical Research, The Idea of Love has one of the most accessible formats of the Concepts in Western Thought Series. Preliminary chapters explain critical notions used in later schematizations of various figures, and relate (...)
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  32.  70
    Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. (From Vol. 8. Of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung).C. G. Jung & Sonu Shamdasani - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    This book is parapsychological study of the meaningful coincidence of events, extrasensory perception, and similar phenomena.
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  33.  36
    “We need to talk!” Barriers to GPs’ communication about the option of physician-assisted suicide and their ethical implications: results from a qualitative study.Ina C. Otte, Corinna Jung, Bernice Elger & Klaus Bally - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (2):249-256.
    GPs usually care for their patients for an extended period of time, therefore, requests to not only discontinue a patient’s treatment but to assist a patient in a suicide are likely to create intensely stressful situations for physicians. However, in order to ensure the best patient care possible, the competent communication about the option of physician assisted suicide as well as the assessment of the origin and sincerity of the request are very important. This is especially true, since patients’ requests (...)
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  34.  23
    Le processus de sanctification de Paul Tillich et le modèle de la psyché de Carl Gustav Jung : un enrichissement possible?Christophe Gripon - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (1):17-37.
    This paper presents some connections between the sanctification process of P. Tillich and important elements of the psychoanalysis of C.G. Jung. The position adopted, different from that of J.P. Dourley, is tillichian. Thus emphasis is laid upon the difference between the psychologist’s approach to God, which is based on emerging symbols of the psyche, and that of the theologian, for whom God is the transcendent ground of Being to which religious symbols point.
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    Dreams: (From Volumes 4, 8, 12, and 16 of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung).C. G. Jung & Sonu Shamdasani - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    "From The collected works of C.G. Jung, volumes 4, 8, 12, 16"--P. [i].
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  36. C.G. Jung.C. G. Jung (ed.) - 1955 - Bruxelles,:
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  37. Integrity, responsibility and affinity: Three aspects of ethics in banking.C. J. Cowton - 2002 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 11 (4):393–400.
    Banking, in common with other areas of finance, is often considered an amoral field focused purely on risk and return. However, ethics does have an important role to play, both traditionally and as business and banking evolve. Based on a speech to a European Union conference on financing small and medium–sized enterprises , this paper seeks to provide an overview of ethics in banking using three terms. Integrity is important to generate the trust necessary for any banking system to flourish, (...)
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    Children's Dreams: Notes From the Seminar Given in 1936-1940.Lorenz Jung, Maria Meyer-Grass, Ernst Falzeder & Tony Woolfson (eds.) - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    In the 1930s C. G. Jung embarked upon a bold investigation into childhood dreams as remembered by adults to better understand their significance to the lives of the dreamers. Jung presented his findings in a four-year seminar series at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Children's Dreams marks their first publication in English, and fills a critical gap in Jung's collected works. Here we witness Jung the clinician more vividly than ever before--and he is (...)
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  39.  25
    General Bibliography of C.G. Jung's Writings.C. G. Jung - 1979 - Routledge.
    This bibliography records the initial publication of each original work by C.G. Jung, each translation, and significant revisions and expansions of both, up to 1975. In nearly every case, the compilers have examined the publications in German, French and English. Translations are recorded in Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Greek Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. It is arranged according to language, with German and English first, publications being listed chronologically in each (...)
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    Essays on a Science of Mythology: The Myth of the Divine Child and the Mysteries of Eleusis.Carl Gustav Jung & Karl Kerényi - 1963 - Princeton University Press.
    Essays on a Science of Mythology is a cooperative work between C. Kerényi, who has been called "the most psychological of mythologists," and C. G. Jung, who has been called "the most mythological of psychologists." Kerényi contributes an essay on the Divine Child and one on the Kore, together with a substantial introduction and conclusion. Jung contributes a psychological commentary on each essay. Both men hoped, through their collaboration, to elevate the study of mythology to the status of (...)
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  41.  5
    General Index.Carl Gustav Jung - 1956 - Routledge.
    This volume is the general index to the eighteen published textual volumes in the_ Collected Works of C.G. Jung_. The comprehensive indexing goes beyond the volume indexes, and includes sub-indexes to important general topics, such as Alchemical Collections, Codices and Manuscripts, Feud and Numbers, the sub-indexing for the Bible arranged by book, chapter and verse. The _General Index_, with the _General Bibliography of C.G. Jung's Writings_, together complete the publication of the _Collected Works of C.G. Jung_ in English.
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  42.  12
    Dynamics of discernment: a guide to good decision-making.Stephen J. Costello - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    This is a unique book, drawing together the profound insights of Eastern philosophy (Advaita Vedanta), Western depth-psychology (Jungian), and spirituality (Ignatian) as applied to decision-making. Mention is made of Plato, C. G. Jung, Ira Progoff, Viktor Frankl, and Bernard Lonergan, amongst others. Powerful and practical tools and techniques for making wise decisions are offered. There are sections on Descartes's famous square, the ego and the Self, the I Ching and synchronicity, archetypes, neuroscience and the triune brain, biases and blind (...)
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  43.  8
    Anxiety, Guilt and Freedom: Religious Studies Perspectives.Benjamin J. Hubbard & Bradley E. Starr - 1989 - Upa.
    Discusses three concepts crucial to an understanding of the nature of religion: anxiety, guilt, and freedom. The various essays examine these from the viewpoint of several different religious traditions, movements and thinkers. Contents: Editor's Preface. Donald Gard: A Personal Perspective. Part I. Guiltless Morality; The Family of Changing Woman: Nature and Women in Navaho Thought; The Sacraments as "Fear-provoking" and "Awe-inspiring" Rites in the Greek Fathers; The Doctrine of Karma; Two Concepts of Predestination in Current Islamic Thought. Part II. The (...)
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    Cyberethics in nursing education: Ethical implications of artificial intelligence.Jennie C. De Gagne, Hyeyoung Hwang & Dukyoo Jung - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    As the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, particularly generative AI (Gen AI), becomes increasingly prevalent in nursing education, it is paramount to address the ethical implications of their implementation. This article explores the realm of cyberethics (a field of applied ethics that focuses on the ethical, legal, and social implications of cybertechnology), highlighting the ethical principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, and explicability as a roadmap for facilitating AI integration into nursing education. Research findings suggest that ethical dilemmas that (...)
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    Selected Letters of C.G. Jung, 1909-1961.C. G. H. G. Jung & Aniela Jaffé - 1984 - Princeton University Press.
    This one-volume edition allows the general reader to appreciate Jung's ideas and personality, as they reveal themselves in his comments to his colleagues and to those who approached him with genuine problems of their own, as well as in his communication with personal friends. The correspondence supplies a variety of insights into the genesis of Jung's theories and a running commentary on their development. Originally published in 1984. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again (...)
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    Beautiful minds (I.E., Brains) and the neural basis of intelligence.Richard J. Haier & Rex E. Jung - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (2):174-178.
    The commentaries address conceptual issues ranging from our narrow focus on neuroimaging to the various definitions of intelligence. The integration of the P-FIT and data from cognitive neuroscience is particularly important and considerable consistency is found. Overall, the commentaries affirm that advances in neuroscience techniques have caused intelligence research to enter a new phase. The P-FIT is recognized as a reasonable empirical framework to test hypotheses about the relationship of brain structure and function with intelligence and reasoning.
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  47. Automatic Scoring of Semantic Fluency.Najoung Kim, Jung-Ho Kim, Maria K. Wolters, Sarah E. MacPherson & Jong C. Park - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Collected Works of C. G. JUNG.C. G. H. G. Jung - 1984 - In C. G. H. G. Jung & Aniela Jaffé (eds.), Selected Letters of C.G. Jung, 1909-1961. Princeton University Press. pp. 201-210.
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    “Honor and Dishonor”: Connotations of a Socio-symbolic Category in Cross-Cultural Perspective.Michael J. Casimir & Susanne Jung - 2009 - In Birgitt Röttger-Rössler & Hans Jürgen Markowitsch (eds.), Emotions as Bio-cultural Processes. Springer. pp. 229--280.
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    Searching for stimulus-driven shifts of attention.Steve Franconeri, Daniel J. Simons & J. Junge - 2004 - Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 11 (5):876-881.
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